Company policy

Quality, environmental, energy and safety policies


Customer focus

Our corporate goal is to create customer benefits. The customer is recognized by all employees as being the focus of our company's efforts and is the focus of our actions. Only the highest quality and the complete fulfillment of customer requirements ensure our success and the advantage over the competition.



We pursue a consistent zero-defect target for our products and services as well as 100% delivery reliability. The necessary and economically justifiable measures are taken to achieve these goals.


Continuous Improvement

The continuous improvement of all processes is a central part of our actions. We regularly measure our quality, energy and environmental performance as well as the profitability of our processes using suitable key figures, evaluate the results and, in the event of deviations, initiate measures to ensure success. We focus on innovations and increases in efficiency. We also make this requirement of our suppliers.



Our employees are the key to high quality. Targeted selection, familiarization and training ensure that our employees have the necessary qualifications and motivation. We continuously raise awareness for quality, social, economic and ecological sustainability.


individual responsibility

Quality, energy and environmental goals can only be achieved if all employees act under their own responsibility together with management. All employees are responsible for avoiding hazards to people and the environment and for strictly complying with regulations and laws on working conditions, occupational safety, health and environmental protection as well as energy management. Scenarios of possible incidents are regularly discussed with our employees in order to be optimally prepared.



We are happy to make our contribution to society by attaching particular importance to the protection of the environment and resources. We are committed to the sustainable management of resources and face up to our responsibility for posterity. We work in compliance with standards, legal regulations and environmental and energy-related specifications. Our integrated management system meets the requirements of ISO 9001, EN 9100 and ISO 14001. Management is happy to inform external interested parties about the environmental performance of our company on request.


Processes and products

We pay uotmost attention to the health and safety of our employees. That is why we design our processes and develop our products in such a way that the focus is on people's health and safety and the negative impact on the environment is kept to a minimum.


The profitability resulting from our policy is a guarantee for secure jobs and for the future of our company. Our quality, environmental, energy and safety policies are accessible and made known to all employees and interested parties at any time via the Internet.